Even though muscle strains are common, they are the most painful experience. A muscle strain happens when muscles or tendons stretch or tear. There are various causes of muscle injuries such as overuse of muscles, sudden blows, falls, and more. In not-so-serious cases, the muscle stays strong and intact even after some of the muscle fibers have been stretched or torn. On the other hand, if the condition is serious, the muscle may be torn completely and won’t be able to function adequately. The muscle strains are divided into three grades, depending on the severity of the damage, to simplify the diagnosis and provide the right muscle injury treatment in Pompton Plains.

  Muscle Treatment in Pompton Plains, NJ

Grade I

If your muscle strain falls under grade I, you can rest assured that there is no major damage caused. In grade I, some of the muscle fibers get torn or stretched. However, this does not mean the experience isn’t painful. You can expect to feel pain, discomfort, and tenderness in your strained muscle.

Grade II

Grade II suggests a moderate strain. In this case, you will have a larger number of injured muscle fibers. Severe muscle pain and extreme tenderness are common during grade II muscle injury. You may also notice a bruise, loss of strength, and mild swelling.

Grade III

In grade III, the muscle is torn all the way through, oftentimes resulting in a “pop” sensation as the strained muscle is ripped into two separate pieces or pulls away from its tendon. Of course, grade III strains are more serious than the last two grades and often result in complete loss of muscle function. Some of the symptoms of grade III muscle injury are discoloration, tenderness, swelling, and considerable pain. You may also notice an obvious gap or dent under the skin where the muscle has been ripped. In grade III strain, it is always recommended to visit a physician for immediate muscle injury treatment in NJ.

Muscle injury treatment

If your muscle strain falls under Grade I or II, your doctor will recommend following the RICE rule.
  • Resting the strained muscle
  • Ice the injured muscle to minimize swelling
  • Compress the injured area with an elastic bandage
  • Elevate the area where there is a strained muscle

Your physician may prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medicines to deal with pain and swelling.

In a Grade II or III strain, you may be referred to an orthopedic specialist, who may immobilize the injured area in a cast for a few weeks until it is repaired completely.

When to visit an injury treatment clinic?

Visit an injury treatment clinic in NJ if 
  • You hear a “pop” sensation in your muscle at the time of injury
  • You are experiencing severe pain, discoloration, and swelling
  • You cannot move your injured area
  • Your symptoms do not improve within 48 hours
  • You are treated for a mild strain but your symptoms do not improve
  • You can find it extremely difficult to perform your daily activities

Mild muscle strains improve on their own within a couple of days. However, more severe muscle strains need medical assistance and may take 4-8 weeks to repair fully.
Just like the return of the pumpkin spice latte, fall is the time when influenza is at its highest. With the changing of the seasons, we want our patients to be protected against the flu. The flu might be mild in most cases, but if left untreated it can become more severe and even lead to death. NJ Doctors Urgent Care encourages all of our patients who are prone to getting the flu, or even patients who haven’t gotten the flu to get their flu shots. The flu can come on suddenly, and while you might not experience all symptoms of the flu it is highly contagious and can be spread to other people fairly quickly. It is something to consider doing especially if you have children or live with elderly family members or friends, who are more at risk for developing higher risk complications from the flu. Allergy Doctor NJ, Allergy Doctor New Jersey Although many people wait until later in the fall to get their flu shots, we urge our patients to get them earlier. The flu seasons are beginning to start earlier than anticipated. Flu shots are safe for everyone unless you have previously had an allergic reaction to the shot otherwise patients from as early as 6 months old to 65 years old should be getting a flu shot. If you find you’ve had an allergic reaction to a flu shot you should contact one of our allergists here at NJ Doctors Urgent Care as well to see if you have any underlying allergies that could prevent you from getting the flu shot. Our allergists will test you to make sure you aren’t allergic to the vaccine so that you can remain at your healthiest. We want our patients to keep in mind that while a flu shot won’t protect you from getting the flu, it will make the symptoms you experience less severe, and should shorten the duration of time in which you are infected. It is a common misconception that the flu shot will give you the flu; it does not carry a live virus. You might feel a little ill as a reaction, but it is your body’s way of building an immunity to the flu, but it should go away within a couple of days. At NJ Doctors Urgent Care we offer flu shots throughout the fall season for all of our patients, you don’t even need an appointment to come and get one. We do recommend that patients call ahead to make sure that we have enough of the vaccine available before making a trip, we understand how valuable your time is and do not want you to have to take the time out of your busy day if it isn’t available to you. You shouldn’t wait to get sick or let the flu infect you or your family before deciding to get a flu shot. Come in and see us the shot is quick and you will be right back out the door in no time. We serve all of our patients in Sayreville and Pompton Plains and the surrounding areas of New Jersey. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the flu shot or the flu, come in and our team will be more than willing to answer all of your questions. Beat the flu this year, and do not wait too long to get your shot.

We probably don’t need to tell anyone how important water is to our bodies. You’ve likely heard that throughout your entire life. But it’s true, and sadly, many people don’t truly understand how dangerous dehydration can be. Dehydration happens when we don’t get enough water in our system over a certain period of time. This can lead to some serious side effects including dizziness, shortness of breath, overheating, and possibly death if the situation worsens. Here at NJ Doctors Urgent Care, we strive to provide more than just the best Medical Testing in NJ. We also like to help keep our patients well informed and “in the know” about anything they need to be mindful of no matter what season it is.

Did You Know?

According to the CDC, “Drinking enough water every day is good for overall health. As plain drinking water has zero calories, it can also help with managing body weight and reducing caloric intake when substituted for drinks with calories, like regular soda. Drinking water can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause unclear thinking, resulting in mood changes, cause your body to overheat, constipation, and kidney stones.

Drinking water regularly is something we’ve all been told to do by our parents or in school when we were younger. But there are certain things we need to be mindful of as well. Here are the 5 important warning signs of dehydration.

  • Rapid Heartbeat.
  • Rapid Breathing.
  • Sunken Eyes.
  • Problems Using The Bathroom.
  • Dizziness Or Fainting.

It’s important to listen to your body and figure out how you feel when you notice any signs of dehydration. Don’t try and push yourself to do something when you may be dehydrated. Sit down or get some rest, and get some water as soon as possible. If your situation worsens? Contact an ambulance or emergency medical services as soon as possible. Don’t take any unnecessary chances with your health. Trust the experts here at NJ Doctors Urgent care to have your back. We offer the best medical testing in NJ and so much more.


A healthy amount of knowledge tends to lead to a healthier mind and body. Don’t be afraid to consult your local healthcare professional and ask questions any time you have some concerns. If you’re fortunate enough to live within the great state of New Jersey, feel free to contact the experts here at NJ Doctors Urgent Care in Pompton Plains or Sayreville New Jersey. We’ll be here to help address any concerns you may have in order to help get you to a healthier place.

Need A Check-Up? Do You Have Other Medical Concerns?

Come pay our experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care a visit! We have two locations available for your convenience: Pompton Plains (973) 530-4362 and Sayreville (732) 952-3627 you may also email us any questions or concerns at: njdoctorsurgentcaresay@gmail.com

Some hot tips to keep in mind…

We haven’t reached the “dog days of summer” yet, but they’ll be here before we know it. At NJ Urgent Care, we like to provide more than just expert Medical Testing in NJ and other medical care services. We take pride in helping our patients prepare for the season ahead. In this case? It’s summer time here in the North East. That means time at the beach, vacations, swimming pools, cookouts, and more right? Well, we have some helpful tips below that may keep your summer “cool” all season.

Don’t do too much physically on extremely hot days…

This suggestion should be more common sense than anything. But it’s not always easy to do when it’s so beautiful outside right? Well, that makes it even more important to pay attention to the weather outside. As a general rule of thumb, you should try and limit any strenuous physical activity outside when the weather is hotter than 90 degrees F outside. Be sure to:

  • Use Sunblock
  • Wear Sunglasses
  • Keep Hydrated
  • Stay In The Shade
  • Try Not To Exercise Or Play Any Sports Outside For More Than An Hour Without Rest.

Stay hydrated, and stay away from…

Have you ever felt sluggish or lethargic when you haven’t had water for awhile? Those can be signs of dehydration. Something that occurs when you aren’t drinking enough water on a regular basis. It’s generally suggested that we drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. That amount can be even higher depending on how hot it is outside. That being said? Drinking beverages high in sugar and/or calories can sometimes work against you even quicker than not drinking enough water in the heat! The excess sugar, syrups, or carbonation in some beverages can cause bloating and sweating. When it’s super hot outside? That’s a recipe for disaster. Some of the beverages you should avoid include:

  • Processed Juices
  • Sodas
  • Other processed and sugary beverages

Be prepared for anything…

We all love the summer months. The sunshine, the warm weather, and the opportunities that come with it. Vacations are fun right? Until we get sunburns, mosquito bites, or somebody gets dehydrated. Hanging out at the beach is an amazing time too! Until we realize we didn’t bring a beach towel, sunglasses, or a change of clothes. It’s always important to be prepared for anything, regardless of what you choose to do this summer. One thing you can do is:

  • Pack an extra duffel bag, and fill it with additional items. Even if you don’t need them on your 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd trip somewhere. You will likely find a time where you need: sunscreen lotion/spray, sunglasses, a beach towel, a spray/mister fan, a first aid kit, bug spray, a change of clothes, or something else that you never thought you’d need. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Stay safe, and always be prepared for anything. This one might actually be our favorite bit of advice here.


A healthy amount of knowledge generally leads to a healthier mind and body. Do yourself a favor and inform yourself before getting into any type of routine you’re unsure about or have any concerns over doing. Don’t be afraid to consult your local healthcare professional and get a physical done to make sure you’re healthy enough to begin any type of new exercise regime. If you’re fortunate enough to live within the great state of New Jersey however? Contact the experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care in Pompton Plains or Sayreville New Jersey. We’ll be here to help address any concerns you may have regarding your journey towards a healthier you!

Need A Check-Up? Or Do You Have Other Medical Concerns?

Come pay our experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care a visit! We have two locations available for your convenience: Pompton Plains (973) 530-4362 and Sayreville (732) 952-3627 you may also email us any questions or concerns at:njdoctorsurgentcaresay@gmail.com

Just The Facts

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes per week for most adults between the ages of 18 and over. That’s under 30 minutes per day, every day, 5 to 7 days days a week. That’s less time spent exercising than watching your favorite show on television! The fact of the matter is, most adults 18 and over only need around 30 minutes of exercise or vigorous physical activity daily (5 to 7 days a week) to maintain a healthy weight.

We here at NJ Doctors Urgent Care in Pompton Plains and Sayreville New Jersey would like to give you some helpful tips to get you started off on the right path. Here are some basics:

Start off with 30 minutes per day. Afterwards, if you want:

  • You can build more muscle!
  • Lose more weight!
  • Focus on a new look for yourself!
  • Or train for that marathon!
  • Remember to drink lots of water throughout every workout!

With just 30 minutes of exercise or vigorous physical activity per day, you can can rest assured you’ll feel good about your workout program. Why? Because you’ll have mastered doing the basics, and you’ll learn more about what your body can and can’t handle. It’s that easy!

Types Of Exercise You Can Do In 30 Minutes

  • Yoga: Chances are you’ve probably heard someone talk about it in person or write about it online. Yoga is a great way to enhance flexibility, lose weight, and increase stamina. Try doing it for 30 minutes at a time or break it up into intervals of 15+15 or 10+10+10.
  • Cardio: This can be running, jogging, or climbing steps on a machine at your local gym.
  • Mix & Match #1: Try blending a combination of Weights, Sit-Ups, Pushups, and Cardio.
  • Mix & Match #2: Try blending a combination of Yoga, Weights, and Cardio.
  • Remember to drink lots of water throughout every workout!

What’s great about all of the exercises listed above, is that they can be done almost anywhere. At home or at the gym. You can get your 30 minutes of physical activity in almost any location at any time day or night. You can also use a combination of all of those workouts as you progress through your routines and turn your workouts into whatever works best for you!

Don’t Over Do It

Studies have found that people who exercise 60 minutes per day as opposed to 30 minutes per day see almost no differences in their physical or mental health. If you aren’t an athlete? You don’t have to train like one! Physical fitness can be a wonderful and enjoyable experience when it’s done for body maintenance and your overall health. One of the biggest reasons many people stop a workout regime after starting one is they try and do “too much, too soon.” At some point, should you decide to eventually make your workouts longer and more vigorous at some point? You’ll already have the knowledge and tools necessary to make each workout as safe and enjoyable as you possibly can.


A healthy amount of knowledge generally leads to a healthier mind and body. Do yourself a favor and inform yourself before getting into any type of routine you’re unsure about or have any concerns over doing. Don’t be afraid to consult your local healthcare professional and get a physical done to make sure you’re healthy enough to begin any type of new exercise regime. If you’re fortunate enough to live within the great state of New Jersey however? Contact the experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care in Pompton Plains or Sayreville New Jersey. We’ll be here to help address any concerns you may have regarding your journey towards a healthier you!

Need A Check-Up? Or Do You Have Other Medical Concerns?

Come pay our experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care a visit! We have two locations available for your convenience: Pompton Plains (973) 530-4362 and Sayreville (732) 952-3627 you may also email us any questions or concerns at:njdoctorsurgentcaresay@gmail.com

Tips To Stay Healthy For 2019

Look. We know how exciting this time of the year is. Trust us, we love going to “the shore” too. That being said, you need to prepare yourself for the fun days of summer and the “dog days of summer.” It’s not just infants and the elderly who need to worry about things like dehydration or overheating. Summer is also the time of year where most of our kids are out of school too! Do yourself a favor and check out these “cool summer tips” from NJ Doctors Urgent Care of Pompton Plains and Sayreville New Jersey to help make your summer even cooler:
  • Drink Plenty Of Water (carry it with you if you can)This is probably the most important thing on this list! It’s generally recommended that we drink around 2.5 liters of water per day or around 8-10 glasses of water per day in order to prevent dehydration. In the summertime this is especially important since as temperatures rise, we naturally lose water through sweat. We also know how hot it can get in Pompton Plains and Sayreville New Jersey in the summer. Do yourself a favor: stay hydrated and try to keep a portable thermos or container full of water on you at all times when you’re out in the heat.
  • Wear SunscreenThe recommended SPF to help prevent most types of sunburn and/or skin cancer is SPF 30. You can buy sunscreen as a spray or a lotion in most convenience stores, drug stores, or even online for your convenience. Try and apply sunscreen before you go outside and get exposed to the sun. If possible, try applying sunscreen throughout the day as needed.
  • Seek Shade Whenever Possible If You’re Out In The SunWhether it’s under a tree, a canopy, an umbrella, a tent, or within the comfort of your own air conditioned car. Try not to spend too much time outside in the heat! Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause many adverse effects to your body. Dehydration, Sunburn, and Exhaustion are just a few of the common side effects to prolonged exposure to hot summer conditions. 
  • Bug Spray or Mosquito Repellent Can Be A Life-SaverYou don’t need to be in summer camp to use Bug or Mosquito sprays. We’re fortunate enough to live in one of the most naturally lush and green states in the country. New Jersey is full of amazing parks, hiking trails, and forested areas that we can enjoy year round! In the summer time however, it is especially important for us to be prepared to fight against mosquito and other insect bites or stings that can harm us if we’re unprepared. Bug repellant can save you a lot of itching, scratching, and unpleasantness when used properly.

But Also? Don’t Forget To Have Fun!

We here at NJ Doctors Urgent Care of Pompton Plains and Sayreville New Jersey don’t want you to worry too much about having fun outside this summer. We’ve been waiting way too long for this awesome weather to arrive. Enjoy it! Just remember to keep yourself and your family safe and prepared to have the most amazing summer imaginable this year.

Need A Check-Up? Or Do You Have Other Medical Concerns?

Come pay our experts at NJ Doctors Urgent Care a visit! We have two locations available for Walk-In Urgent Care clinic New Jersey: Pompton Plains (973) 530-4362 and Sayreville (732) 952-3627 you may also email us any questions or concerns at njdoctorsurgentcaresay@gmail.com

More and more, people are choosing to have blood work and laboratory testing done at urgent care centers. This is likely for some of the same reasons people choose urgent care centers for anything else:

  • Urgent care is more convenient; usually in your neighborhood and open after normal business hours.
  • Efficiency is generally higher at an urgent care center. This is due to the handling of only a short list of urgent health situations at most urgent care centers.
  • They’re a more affordable option. This is generally due to most urgent care centers having such a short list of emergency situations they need to handle on a daily basis.

Most hospital settings are naturally busier than most urgent care centers. Your laboratory test may be lower on the list of priorities in triage at the hospital than it would be at an urgent care center. That’s one of the many reasons why an urgent care center can be your best option to consider when getting testing done.

Think about this: who wants to schedule a lab test with their doctor two weeks in advance? It’s an inconvenience for most people and doesn’t factor in any last minute or unexpected events that may prohibit you from making your appointment. With urgent care, however, you can get the lab test you need the same day you walk in. At an Urgent Care center, you can check-in online or just show up for your next blood test!

Sitting in a waiting room isn’t fun. No amount of lobby magazines or television channels can replace the time you’ll waste just sitting around. At an urgent care center, the time spent waiting for a provider is minimal, especially with online check-in. You’ll generally get in and out of most urgent care centers in under 3 hours. Prompt and efficient service are just a few of the biggest perks resulting in the rise of urgent care centers as a viable healthcare provider. Going in for lab services and prompt blood test results is no different.

A big part of what makes urgent care centers so great is the low cost of most services you’ll receive. Most urgent care centers are significantly less expensive than going to an ER. In fact, there’s generally a very high chance your insurance will be accepted. This, of course, isn’t a 100% certainty. But even without insurance, you’re much better off paying out-of-pocket at an urgent care center than a hospital due to the overall price differences alone!

List of Urgent Care Lab Services
See below for a list of common lab tests and services offered by most urgent care centers. Please note: these are just some examples of the laboratory services offered by most urgent care centers. Some providers may not offer every service listed below. Services include:

  • Phlebotomy aka Blood Tests. Any number of tests to determine the health of organs and identify potential diseases. Blood tests are sometimes processed in a separate laboratory and may take a few hours, or even days, to process. These tests may sometimes bill separately, so prepare yourself for any unexpected costs.
  • Point of Care Testing. Medical testing outside the clinical laboratory for things like rapid flu, rapid mono, blood sugar, urinalysis, and urine-based pregnancy tests. These tests are performed in the clinic and the results are immediately available.
  • Imaging. Chest X-rays, extremity x-rays, and EKG testing allow us to see a visual representation of the body for analysis.
  • Specialty Exam Services. Commercial driver’s license exams, pre-participation exams for youth sports, workers compensation injury evaluation, urgent women’s health exams, and physical therapy.

To learn more about Laboratory services in New Jersey, contact NJ Doctors Urgent Care. From our urgent care clinic to our fully equipped testing labs, we’ve got you covered! We have two locations available for your convenience: Pompton Plains (973) 530-4362 and Sayreville (732) 952-3627 .