From treating sprained ankles to broken limbs, the expert medical staff at NJ Doctors is well equipped and experienced in bone and muscle injury treatment.
Sprains and Fractures are treated with braces and splints as indicated.
Ankle injuries – A sprained ankle or fractured bone is a common mishap that can happen to anyone. Delayed bone and muscle injuries treatment can lead to chronic problems like ankle weakness and arthritis.
Finger/hand/wrist Sprains and fractures
Foot/toe sprains and fractures
Bone fracture – Fracture is a term used for a broken bone. It can range from a hairline fracture to a full break. NJ Doctors can diagnose and provide effective bone injuries treatment in NJ.
At NJ Doctors, our expert injury team ensures you receive the most appropriate and effective injury treatment in NJ to help you get-
Our board certified doctors provide compassionate and quality urgent care, injury treatment. Some other injuries we treat are:
We provide compassionate care for various cuts/lacerations, bruises, minor fractures and dislocations, sprains/strains and stitches. We also have on site x-rays to help quickly diagnose and provide effective injuries treatment in NJ. All x-rays are cross read by board certified Radiologists within minutes. If you or your child requires injury treatment to ease muscle pain or reduce inflammation, you can directly walk-in at our injury treatment clinic, without any prior appointment.